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Welcome to the website of St Augustine’s – the Church of England in Kirkby-in-Cleveland and Great Broughton. The inhabitants of our two villages have professed their Christian faith, and have worshipped on this site, for over a thousand years and we continue this wonderful tradition.
We are part of a four-church benefice, which includes the Parishes of Ingleby Greenhow, Kildale and Chop Gate, in the Diocese of York.
You will find information on the team, on the services in our church and on our support for all in the community at the key points in their lives, by scrolling through the following pages. The calendar of services and the notice pages, which are regularly up-dated, are a good first point of reference.
The service for 6 October 2024 is Holy Communion at 9:30 am at St Augustine’s.
The readings for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity are: Genesis 2:18-24; Psalm 8; Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12; Mark 10:2-16.
Every once in a while, our readings cast up some rather unpalatable statements from Jesus, and this week’s Gospel is one of them. Jesus here appears to rule out divorce and remarriage. As so often, however, we have to recall the context. In this section of Mark’s Gospel Jesus is speaking about the ideal disciple, and the comments about marriage relate to this: it is clearly ideal not to get divorced, but humans being what they are it will happen. Jesus reaches behind the Jewish law (which is what the Pharisees have in mind, Deuteronomy 24:1-2) to the creation, the ideal before the Fall. Jesus presents us here, as so often with the ideal life we should live, but it is important to remember what he also offers us when we fail: the forgiveness which he offers us. How often do we fail to live up to the ideal, and call on Jesus to forgive us?
Website up-dated 5th October 2024
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