St Augustines Kirkby in Cleveland


Thought for July

A Prayer for Family life Lord,

Pray that my family may find in me, what yours found in you:

friendship & courage, cheerfulness & charity, diligence in duties,

counsel in adversity, patience in pain,

their good servant & God’s first.


St Thomas More (1478-1535) ,


Tomorrow is the Eighth Sunday after Trinity.  There will be a Service of Holy Communion at St Augustine’s at 9.30 am followed by coffee in the Church Hall; we hope that you will be able to join us.

There is a holiday workshop for children up to the age of 11, 1:30 – 3:00 pm on August 5th (please see details below.)


From September 2024 all Benefice Services will commence at 10 am.

Midweek Services at St Augustine's


Please join us for our Thursday 10am Holy Communion Services on the first two Thursdays of the month.

July: Thursday 4th and 11th.

10 am until 10:30 am.


Coffee and Cakes

Anne and David Heading warmly invite you to come to 3 Holmestead, Great BroughtonCoffee Cup Clip Art Images – Browse 31,968 Stock Photos ...


Saturday 3rd August any time between 10am and 12 noon.

Everyone is very welcome. Come for as long or as short as you wish.


Changes to the Family Service

From Sunday May 5th the 8:00 and 9:30am Family Service, on the first Sunday of the month, will be replaced with a single service of Holy Communion at 9:30 am. 

All are warmly invited.


Gravestone rip hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy

Funeral Service 


Please follow our churchyard etiquette further down the page and could we ask that all Christmas Wreathes and plastic flowers be removed. Thank you for complying with the graveyard rules. 

Pram Service StepsImage Of A Toddler Photos and Images & Pictures | Shutterstock

(Summer break date to arranged.)


Children's Workshop

What? A Godly Play Workshop.

Who for? All children under 11 years.

Where?  St Augustine's Kirkby in Cleveland.

Time? 1:30 until 3pm

When? 5th August

If you would like to come or are going to bring childre along please let Anne or Sarah know at: Anne Heading (Tel 01642 710045)

Sarah Weyell: 


Dates for your Diary

22nd September: Service in Trevor's barn.

20th October: Harvest Festival in church. 

22nd December: Nine Lessons and Carols.

24th December:                                           

4pm Nativity Service     10:30 pm Holy Communion Service


Christian Aid logos - Christian AidChristian Aid


Many thanks once again to all involved with Christian Aid Week and the soup lunch. We were unable to inform you last month as to how much was raised because donations were still coming in. However we finally have the total and it’s an amazing amount :- £1,696.50. Well done to everyone who helped and to everyone for their generous donations. It’s an incredible sum from such a small community.

Grateful thanks also to the team who provided the soup and lunch for working tirelessly all morning.

The money will be used to enable families push back against poverty by starting up small “cottage industry” type business. By your generosity they will have a better life and be better able to provide for their families.


Friday December 6th - Christian Aid Wine and Cheese evening


Kirkby & Gt. Broughton School     Kirkby & Great Broughton School

To keep in touch with what's happening in school our website address is

SAVE THE DATE ~ School 50th Anniversary Celebrations.

Kirkby and Great Broughton School will be celebrating it's official 50th birthday in October this year. As well as celebrations with the children in school, we hope to invite past pupils to a special 'coffee morning' on Saturday 5th October. More details will be posted on the Kirkby & Great Broughton Facebook page nearer the time. We are also hoping to create a book of memories detailing the history of our school including photos, press clippings and memories. If you have any expertise in putting together a book like this we would love to hear from you. I can be contacted on We are looking forward to sharing our birthday with you. Emma McCormick Headteacher Congratulations to the children and staff of Kirkby and Great Broughton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

 Free vector hand drawn children back to school

Kirkby and Great Broughton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School received a letter this week from the Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP, Minister for Schools, congratulating the pupils and staff on their outstanding achievement in the 2023 Phonics Screening Check. 100% of pupils in  year one,  Kirkby and Great Broughton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School are in the top one per cent of all primary schools in the country. 

Mr Hinds went on to say that Kirkby and Great Broughton School's success in teaching phonics and early reading so effectively meant that pupils are developing a firm foundation from which they can become increasingly fluent and develop a life long love of reading. Congratulations to all those involved! 

Kirkby & Gt. Broughton School To keep in touch with what's happening in school the website address is


Sunflower Clip Art Images - Free Download on Freepik


The Eco Church Team have set all the schools of the Benefice a Spring challenge entitled "Sunflowers from Ukraine”

The objective is two fold:

1. To inform pupils of the value of sunflower oil to our diet and seeds for wildlife.

2. To create an awareness of the young people of Ukraine who have had to seek refuge in a foreign land.

The challenge is to create a Sunflower from a paper plate and to write a short account about Sunflowers.

In May each school will be given Sunflower seeds to grow to see who can grow the tallest Sunflower


Organist Wanted!

We need a replacement Organist at St Augustine's, starting as soon as possible. There are two, occasionally three, morning services per month; adding in the special services at Christmas, etc., this totals about 38 per year The organ is a Copeman Hart two-manual instrument; it was installed in 1998 and is one of the best in the area. There is a considerable library of both organ and choral music. We understand that a pianist of Grade 4 standard would have the right level of technical competence to be able to transition effectively to the organ. Please contact Anne Heading for further details.


Coffee Cup Clip Art Images – Browse 31,968 Stock Photos ...Charity Coffee Morning for Alzheimer's Saturday 4th May 10.30am till 1.30pm at Great Broughton & Kirby Sports Club

Enjoy a coffee & cake with friends & family

There will be a raffle: Dudley Arms - Breakfast for 2; Millbry Hill Stokesley- £20 voucher. Many more prizes donated by friends & local businesses 

All proceeds going towards Alzheimer's


Our Eco Group Gains Bronze Award

St Augustine's is part of an initiative by the Church of England to Care for God's Earth called Eco Church. The aim is to engage Christians of all denominations with stewardship of God's creation, the earth we all share. At St Augustine's the green team have been working towards achieving the Bronze Standard through interaction with the local community especially the Primary School, increasing the biodiversity of the churchyard and encouraging involvement in green issues in the Benefice. Thanks to all who have supported us in any way as we achieved our Bronze Award on the 5th October. Many congratulations to the Eco Group on the Bronze Award!



Church Flowers                                                             Ash + OAK Love Flowers?

We would welcome anyone in arranging flowers once a year.

Please contact Gill Sockett 712432


Friends of Darlington Memorial Hospital Image of King Charles Iii 1st Class Stamp For Post Or Presentation


Stamps – Francobolli – Timbres – Sellos – Briefmarken – Stampaichean

I am still collecting used postage stamps for the Darlington Memorial Hospital voluntary drivers' expenses  

Can you please save used stamps to help fund their Voluntary Car Service. Just post them through the letterbox of 46 Kirkby Lane, opposite Gt Broughton School or leave them in the Church Porch

Also check their website for cheap postage stamps offer.

Thanks Heather Stamp 


Recycling at Gt Broughton Village Hall

Please use the allocated recycling bins in the entrance hall for stamps and plastic milk bottle tops (only)

Two charities are being supported by these recycling schemes:

Stamps - Parkinson’s UK

Plastic milk bottle tops - Marie Curie (Cancer Care)

Thank you, GBVH Committee


The Churchyard

The Churchyard is a tranquil, peaceful and welcoming space for all who visit and we encourage the placing of floral tributes on individual graves in memory of those who are no longer with us. However, please do not use glass containers; biodegradable materials are preferable, where possible. Flowers (and their containers) should be removed when they are past their best and we are grateful to those who do this. We ensure that the grass is cut and trimmed regularly during the summer months and a small team puts a lot of effort to keep the whole area tidy and the paths clear of debris. We would only move containers if they obstruct grass cutting. Please could you ensure that any item that does not comply with these guidelines is removed. With many thanks. We are always happy to welcome volunteers to help us look after the Churchyard and keep it in good order for future generations in our parish.


Kirkby Church Hall

Is there anyone living in Kirkby or Great Broughton with a few hours to spare who would like to join the small (but very friendly) team of volunteers who run Kirkby Church Hall? This is a well appointed hall that is popular with our regular hirers and we are only able to keep the rental charges down because it is administered by volunteers. Duties would include occasional opening up or closing the hall for one-off hirers, being a key holder, helping with Christmas decorations etc. If are interested please contact Sheila (01642-71232

Kirkby Church Hall is available for hire. Contact Sheila 712321


Church Warden Needed.

The PCC is seeking a churchwarden - if you can serve as Warden then please contact Ros Tomlinson to discuss the role Tel. 01642 711796.


Electoral Roll

If anyone would like to go onto the Electoral roll of the churches in the Benefice

(through being resident in the parish and baptized), please let Anne Heading know

(Tel. 710045 or e-mail ).

Electoral Roll Enrollment Form

Please consider joining the Electoral Roll for our parish, it gives a stake in the local Christian community and supports the wellbeing of the parish church. A person enrolled in this way may vote in our church meeting and is eligible to take on certain responsibilites such as that of Churchwarden.  The criteria for joining the Roll and details of who to contact may be found in the Application Document (click on the link below.) 

 You are welcome to join us! Rev Dr Anne Heading, Vicar.

           Electoral Form


The BBC continues to broadcast the Sunday service at 8.10 am on Radio 4.  In addition, the services, and the wide range of readings and prayers, on the Church of England, Diocese of York and York Minster websites – and – continue to provide a spiritual resource and re-assurance.

There are a number of resources both on air and on line which we hope you will find helpful.  These include:

  • the service each Sunday on BBC Radio 4 at 8.10 am;
  • a Hymn for the Day and the Sunday Service from the Royal School of Church Music (, to which St Augustine’s is affiliated;
  •  both the Church of England ( and the Diocese of York(, they provide a wide range of readings and prayers of support and encouragement.

The Parish Newsletter for June 2024 has been published and can be accessed here

The Book of Psalms can be a great source of comfort and inspiration; Psalms 16 - Preserve me, O God, 23 – The Lord is my Shepherd -  and 121 – I will lift up mine eyes to the hills – are commended.

The Church has a Facebook page  - St Augustine’s, Kirkby & Great Broughton - which, like the website, is regularly up-dated

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